Akacorleone - Nature Heals All Darkness
90% of proceeds will be DONATED to DANA VICTIMS
Wall piece
30 x 30 cm
Unique piece
Starting Bid: 1200 €
Estimate: 1750 €
Laser-cut plexiglass with iridiscent film.
Courtesy of the Artist
Nature teaches us the power of destruction, but also the power of healing and renovation. In the end, from darkness come brighter days!
AKACORLEONE is Pedro Campiche (Lisbon, 1985), an identity of balanced exploration between analog and digital, defined by his use of color saturation and shapes, which are inspired by his personal universe, with every piece carrying a unique visual sensation.
Living with artistic creation from an early age, AKACORLEONE started with graffiti in the early 2000s, a base that would flow into other currents later on. In 2008 he takes his first steps in illustration and muralism and, in 2010, he presents his first gallery works defining, from the outset, a metamorphic aesthetic that more than a decade later remains characteristic of the projects he signs. Painting, installation and sculpture are currents that he has been absorbing in recent years .
The obsession with experimenting new materials and techniques has transformed the way AKACORLEONE thinks about his compositions; an approach focused on purpose, taking art as a vehicle to understand and humanize the environment, exploring it in all its forms. This dialogue between artist and work, past and future, has been developed through the use of bas relief, tiles or laser cutting, with acrylic, wood, cement or stone as the body.
Recognized for its multidisciplinarity and continuous search for new ways of presenting work, in EQUALITY (Festival Imininente, 2020), FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS (Underdogs, 2018) or FIND YOURSELF IN CHAOS (Underdogs, 2014) he expanded his artistic reach, carrying the intervention from the urban space to the gallery habitat more prolifically. AKACORLEONE presented his work in 14 countries, which earned him national and international acclaim.
AKACORLEONE shapes a future that reinvents itself daily through experiences, that wants to grow and reach other audiences, without ever losing its message, voice or strength.
Last Updated: Nov 13, 2024
Effective: Nov 6, 2024
Valencia, Spain
Terms and Conditions of the "Auction for Action" Charity Auction
Payment Commitment: By placing a bid, you commit to paying the full amount of the winning bid if you are the successful bidder. Bids are binding and cannot be withdrawn, ensuring that all funds raised go directly toward the charitable cause of supporting victims of the DANA in Valencia.
Allocation of Donations:The proceeds from this auction will go towards the 'xValencia' initiative by the Coloring the World Foundation. The support from each donation will be directed to three fundamental pillars that we consider essential for a solid recovery: Children: focusing on the recovery of schools, parks, and psychological and educational support centers. Small Businesses: supporting revitalization programs for local businesses that represent the heart of Valencia. 'Future Valencia': fostering projects that enhance safety, promote sustainability, and create opportunities for future generations.
Donation Percentage: Each artist has chosen the percentage they will donate from the sale of their work, taking into account potential production costs and, in some cases, personal needs, such as studio restoration in the case of Felipe Pantone.We deeply appreciate your trust, knowing that every donation will be managed with the utmost commitment to benefit the community.
Shipping Costs: Shipping costs are not included in the final price of the winning artwork. Each piece is located in a different place, and while the buyer will cover shipping expenses, FP STUDIO will make every effort to arrange the shipment in the most convenient and economical way possible.
User Profile: To participate in the auction, you must register beforehand. Upon registration, a personal profile will be created for you, where you can track your bids and winning offers. This will streamline the process and allow you to manage your purchases easily and transparently.
Bidding: You can place manual bids or use proxy bidding by setting a maximum amount you wish to bid in the auction. As per the current process for proxy bidding, in the event of a proxy bid and a regular bid at the same price, the proxy bid will be considered the winner.
Payment Process: If you win a piece, we will contact you to gather personal information and addresses needed to complete the payment via bank transfer. Once the payment has been made to the foundation, we will send you a donation certificate and connect you with the artist to arrange the shipment of the artwork directly with them.
Payment: Upon confirmation that the Buyer has won the auction, the Buyer will have 72 hours to provide the required information and formalize the payment. If there is no response or payment within this timeframe, the artwork will be offered to the next highest bidder. Shipment of the item will not be processed until the Seller has received the Total Purchase Price in good and cleared funds.
- Sales Conditions: All sales are final. Since this is a charity auction, returns, exchanges, and refunds are not permitted.
Thank you for your generosity and support of this cause. By participating, you are helping to rebuild and bring hope to those in our community who need it most.
Última actualización: 13 de noviembre de 2024
Vigente desde: 6 de noviembre de 2024
Valencia, España
Términos y Condiciones de la Subasta Benéfica "Auction for Action"
Compromiso de Pago: Al realizar una puja, te comprometes a pagar el monto total de la oferta ganadora en caso de resultar ganador. Las pujas son vinculantes y no pueden retirarse, asegurando que los fondos recaudados se destinen directamente a la causa benéfica para apoyar a las víctimas de la DANA en Valencia.
Destino de las Donaciones: Las ganancias de esta subasta se destinará a la iniciativa 'xValencia' de la Fundación Coloring the World. La ayuda de cada donación se dirigirá a tres pilares fundamentales que consideramos esenciales para una reconstrucción sólida: infancia (recuperación de escuelas, parques y centros de apoyo psicológico y educativo.), pequeñas empresas (impulsar programas de apoyo y de revitalización para los negocios que representan el alma de Valencia) y 'futuro Valencia' (impulsar proyectos que fortalezcan la seguridad, promuevan la sostenibilidad y generen oportunidades para las generaciones venideras).
Porcentaje de donación: Cada artista ha elegido el porcentaje que donará de la venta de su obra, considerando posibles gastos de producción y, en algunos casos, necesidades propias, como la restauración del estudio en el caso de Felipe Pantone. Agradecemos tu confianza en que cada donación será administrada con el mayor compromiso para beneficiar a la comunidad.
Costo de Envío: Los costos de envío no están incluidos en el precio final de la obra ganada. Cada pieza se encuentra en una ubicación distinta, y aunque el comprador cubrirá los gastos de envío, en FP STUDIO haremos nuestro mayor esfuerzo para que el envío se realice de la manera más conveniente y económica posible.
Perfil de Usuario: Para poder participar en la subasta, es necesario registrarse previamente. Al registrarte, se creará un perfil personal para ti, donde podrás hacer seguimiento de tus pujas y ofertas ganadoras. Esto agilizará el proceso y te permitirá gestionar tus compras de manera fácil y transparente.
Pujas: Puedes realizar pujas manuales o mediante pujas de poder, estableciendo un máximo de la cantidad que desea pujar en la subasta. Según el proceso actual para las pujas por poder, en caso de que haya una puja por poder y una puja normal al mismo precio, se considerará ganadora la puja por poder.
Proceso de Pago: Si resultas ganador de una obra, nos pondremos en contacto contigo para que nos facilites datos personales y direcciones poder completar el pago mediante transferencia bancaria. Una vez realizado el pago a la fundación, te haremos llegar un certificado de donación y os pondremos en contacto con el artista para gestionar directamente con ellos el envío de la obra.
- Pago: Tras la confirmación de que el Comprador ha ganado la subasta, este dispondrá de 72 horas para proporcionar los datos necesarios y formalizar el pago. Si no se recibe respuesta ni se completa el pago dentro de este plazo, la obra será ofrecida al siguiente pujador. El envío del artículo no se procesará hasta que el Vendedor haya recibido el Precio Total de la Compra en fondos válidos y disponibles.
- Condiciones de Venta: Todas las ventas son finales. Dado que esta es una subasta benéfica, no se admiten devoluciones, cambios ni reembolsos.
Gracias por tu generosidad y apoyo a esta causa. Con tu participación, estás ayudando a reconstruir y brindar esperanza a quienes más lo necesitan en nuestra comunidad.